Requirements for a marriage license to be issued in Otoe County.
- Applicants must be at least 17 years of age. You cannot
marry in Nebraska if you are under 17.
- Parental consent is required for applicants
who are 17 or 18 years of age. The
parental consent forms are available at
the County Clerk's office.
- Two forms of identification are required, such as a
driver's license or passport and birth certificate.
If you do not have your birth certificate, you may fill out
affidavit available in the Clerk's office.
- Provide the full names and birthplaces of the bride and
- Provide the full names and birthplaces of both parents. (including maiden names)
- The bride and groom shall provide their Social Security
Numbers, if they have one. Applicants who do not have
a Social Security Number must complete an affidavit provided by
the Clerk asserting they do not have a Social Security
- If there was a previous marriage, we will need to know
the date the marriage ended. (Date of divorce decree
or date of death).
- No blood test is required.
- Marriage Licenses are good for one year from the date of
issuance. Therefore, they have to be married within
that year or they need to apply again.
- A couple may apply for their
license in any county in Nebraska and use it to be
married in any Nebraska county.
To request a certified copy of your Marriage Record, for a marriage license issued in Otoe County, prepayment of $9.00, cash, check or money order made payable to the Otoe County Treasurer, and the completed
application are required.
Mail or bring to:
Otoe County Clerkâs office
1021 Central Ave. Room 103
Nebraska City, NE 68410
Questions: Email: or call (402) 873-9505
Or, for information on how to request a certified marriage record online or by mail from Nebraska DHHS Vital Statistics click here: DHHS Certified Copy
The fee for a
marriage license is $25.00.